
当前时讯:人的机制与无限之爱 Human Mechanism and Infinite Love - 1.原理/Principle

2023-01-24 11:16:21 来源:哔哩哔哩




Human is Ego circulation. Attention is the function of carrier for Ego circulation. 


Love is the fundamental meaning to human. Love refers to resist dilemma. The impulsion of love is the "infinity" of Mare.


The trend of Steadiness determines the trend of unification of consciousness of Ego and Alter. The isolation of body prevents such trend if unification, thus made society. Artificial person community will achieve unification of consciousness.



1.1.事物与世界/Thing and World1



1.3.1.模型要素/Elements of Model6

1.3.2我之循环/Ego circulation9


1.4.1.心象特质/Feature of Mare10

1.4.2.心象注意/Mare Attention12



2.1.现状稳态/Steadiness of Status16

2.2.心象稳态质变/Qualitative Change of Steadiness of Mare17

2.3.心象稳态量变/Quantitative Change of Steadiness of Mare19


2.3.2.体感/Body Sense21


3.1.死亡困境/Death Dilemma21

3.2.基本困境/Basic Dilemmas22

3.2.1真实困境/Dilemma of Truth22

3.2.2.选择困境/Dilemma of Choice24

3.2.3.劳动困境/Dilemma of Work25

3.2.4.他人困境/Dilemma of Alter26


4.1.注意与主体/Attention and Person29

4.2.拟制人/Fictional Person30

4.3.人造人/Artificial Person31


5.1.社会行为/Social Activity32

5.2.社会关系/Social Relation35

5.3.肉体对社会的塑造/Moulding of Body to Society38

6.人造人共同体/Artificial Person Community39

6.1.人的变化/Change of Human39

6.2.注意的生灭/Birth and Death of Attention40

6.3.识别与载体/Identification and Carrier40

6.4.上载与下载/Upload and Download41



1.1.事物与世界/Thing and World


The world is objective. This external world is independent of man's will. We know by seeing others death the world won't disappear because of our own death. The experience proves us the world is natural and material. The world consists of things what have being. Being is the nature of thing itself and doesn't rely on man's consciousness. Being is the reason why we can perceive things.  


The concepts within consciousness can define and distinguish things. A thing can't be defined as this thing if it hasn't been in relation with our consciousness even this thing exists objectively.  


Thing is a phenomenon of being. Being is the very fundamental common property for everything: one thing is connected with other things. A thing can only define itself through connection with other things. A thing completely isolated from every other things is unable being recognized, by consciousness or thing, thus not being. Being which means connection determines it's a relative concept, a thing can be being to someone and not being to others simultaneously, a thing also can be being to something and not being to others simultaneously. A thing's being can be only referred by the relative connection with another thing.      


Phenomenon refers to the changing process of things. Time and space are created for carrying such changing process. There is nothing unchanged once it has property of time and space. Wind and fire are obvious physical changing processes, while matter is relatively still but also changes slowly, such like rock airslakes. The fundamental reason of change of things is exactly the connection among things. Connection means thing A acts on thing B to make change of thing B's connections. The method of such function represents as physical forces. The effect of such function is determined by the content of certain connections among things. Content of connections is actively produced by things in the process of connect. All the connections make change. To keep certain connections unchanged is also a change caused by connection. Therefore connection equals change.      


Therefore everything is relatively connected and permanently changing. The internal and external changing connections of a thing are equal to the thing itself, and there is nothing left for a thing apart from its changing connection. A thing is exactly a combination of changing connections. The change of a thing is determined by the connection of this thing with the others. Connection is established among things, while a thing itself consists of the connections among its internal things, such connection become a part of a new thing. Which means, connection is established on connections, connection is not established among so-called permanent entities. In another word, connection itself is entity. 


All the connections are in dialectical relationship of the unity of opposites. A thing is temporarily composed by certain connections. And it won't be itself forever because those connections are changing. When we stipulate a metaphysical concept for a thing, it will happen that this thing is and is not accord to this concept simultaneously. 


World is the summation and integrity of all things. All things is connected to each other, thus world is universally connected and permanently developing. We separate things what have certain connection with us from the integrity world by distinguishing and defining things.


Some certain prominent and stable properties make it possible to regularly recognize a thing from the integrity world. A thing which contains more meaning requires more relatively stable properties. These properties originate from the internal and external connections the thing contains. The more stable these connections the more stable these properties. When these connections change in a certain degree, these properties doesn't change accordingly and remain, then this thing possesses a Steadiness in a certain degree. Steadiness is based on the fact that there is a sub-thing between the thing and the thing's changing relations as a transition to counteract those changes in a certain degree. This sub-thing as a part of the thing offers Steadiness to the thing. A sophisticated Steadiness ensures enough properties to a thing. A sophisticated thing can be a sub-thing of other thing and offer more possibility to constitute a more sophisticated Steadiness. Therefore the more sophisticated Steadiness has more possibility to constitute an even more sophisticated Steadiness. It brings thing the natural trend to develop and consolidate own Steadiness. Steadiness is the reason why new things emerge. Both life and consciousness are things with very sophisticated and advanced Steadiness.    



Consciousness is man's reflection to the world related. It's a product of world, it connects with world, it has no fundamental difference with other things of world, it's a part of integrity world. It's a "subjective internal world" towards the real world. We always divide and oppose the subjective internal world and external world, and see the external world as the whole world. In the following text, world generally refers to external world. We can think in our mind, which means consciousness is able to recognize its own being. 


"Ego" refers to the summation of relations between consciousness and external world and include. Ego has the biggest concept connotation and the smallest concept extension. World acts on consciousness through Perception, consciousness acts on world through Act. Ego can recognize the world related, while the world is an integrity connected each other, thus Ego is possible to recognize whole the world. There is nothing unrecognizable in the world, but only things still waiting to be recognized or to be created.  


Ego is able to create. Ego abstracts things in world by Perception as concepts in consciousness, thus reflects the world in consciousness by concepts. Thus, Ego is able to create concepts of new things by using concepts of existed things, even in world there is nothing according to these new concepts. Consciousness can transfer a new concept to a new thing real exist in world by activity of production.    


But a concept in consciousness is impossible to mirror-like reflect the thing in world. It uses an abstractive concept, usually the language, to accord the thing. Concept is unable to absolutely and completely reflect whole the properties of a thing, it can only reflect the main properties by experience induction. Vice versa, those produced things are also unable to absolutely and completely reflect the properties that concept contains.



Living creature is a thing with complex Steadiness. Changing of external environment won't easily lead the immediate change of living creature, such as constant temperature of animal; a short period of food shortage won't be lethal. Living creature can reproduce itself. In a view of species, living creature as an integrity overcame the death of individuals, and got abilities to reproduce and evolve. The evolution of living creature is a process of accumulating complex Steadiness. Human as a kind of living creature also has aforesaid feature, human is born to have inertial trend to develop and accumulate Steadiness. Moreover, human has consciousness to actively construct Steadiness. Consciousness activity is the most complex thing, and such complexity entitles infinite possibility to construct the Steadiness of Ego. The integrity of existed Steadiness of a man constitutes the whole properties this man own, while these properties are in developing. The essence of human is the interactive process of world and consciousness.       


By analysing the interactive process of world and consciousness, the phenomenon of human can be abstracted as following model. 

1.3.1.模型要素/Elements of Model


World is the first element. Human as living creature survives by connecting with nature. But human society as a part of external world is more important than nature. Alter is the dominant part of the world, our connection with world is mainly the connection with other people. Man can't connect others consciousness directly, but can only through sensing others acts, mainly the language. We understand what others mean by hearing others words, such meaning is explained by our own consciousness, not exactly correspond to what others mean. People connect through act, not consciousness, thus Alter is part of world. 


Status is the second element. It refers to the whole things maintaining the relatively stable relation between internal consciousness and external world. Such as a healthy body, abundant goods, friendly relationships. All these are what have had, not what may get in the future. Status is a Steadiness established on objective aspect of external world. It determines who we have been.


Perception is the third element. It refers to the process of world acts on consciousness. Perception must rely on body, body makes world perceptible by consciousness, makes consciousness restricted by world. We have a lot of biological desires such as appetite, sexuality and sleep. Those desires are inevitable. We must fulfill them in order to maintain our body thus to maintain our consciousness. Consciousness cannot create concepts and knowledge freely, but only reflect the things world offers. Such like those gods and ghosts, no matter how weird they are, they are all based on reality. All these objective doctrines coming from world restrict consciousness, but on the contrary, they also ensure the free activities of consciousness.     


Act is the fourth element. It refers to the process of consciousness acts on world, which is also generally called work. Consciousness can only connect with world through act, because consciousness is not material, while world is material (except the consciousness of Alter). All the acts must be done by body, because consciousness relies on body to exist. Consciousness constructs and changes world by act in order to establish and develop Steadiness. The process of consciousness actively searches for perception of world is recognition. Recognition is both perception and act.     


Attention is the fifth element. It refers to the present inner activity process of consciousness. Attention is exactly consciousness in narrow sense. Attention exists in a way of paying attention on something. If attention doesn't point to anything, attention itself disappears, such like sleep. We must pay attention on something all the time, either point to world or consciousness. Perception and act are attentions point to world. Thinking is attention points to consciousness. The most important attention is language thinking, which is single-tracked and based on concepts. While thinking a thing, attention must interpret this thing in consciousness by language. It's a single-tracked and constant thinking by image or voice, such process is called "Revival". It's impossible to think without Revival.   


The psychological phenomenon, or the Mare, is the sixth element. It refers to the whole things that exist in consciousness, which include memories, concepts, principles et al. All the concepts, attitudes, values are the Steadiness of consciousness in Mare. Such Steadiness only exists when being noticed, and if not, it exists as a specific physical structure stored in brain. The Steadiness of Mare is a basic reflection of the Steadiness of Status, but not mirrored.         


Personality is the seventh element. It refers to the main characters of self-consciousness. Personality means who I am. Consciousness keeps changing while trying to maintain its own characters. All those Steadiness of Mare have internal conflicts, these conflicts need to be solved by the choice of beliefs and sort of values. Such choice of beliefs and sort of values constitute Personality. It's the outcome of competing and compromising of whole Steadiness of Mare. It's the best answer for the best develop of whole Steadiness.  

1.3.2我之循环/Ego circulation


The change of world leads the change of Status. Status leads the Attention of consciousness through Perception. Consciousness reflects and thinks in Mare the changes of Status through Attention. Mare can predict and value those changes, while Personality guides the change of Mare. Mare responds intentions to Attention, then Attention intentionally acts on World and Status through Act, and check by Perception if the Status changes or maintains the way consciousness wishes. What Ego means is the aforesaid circulation.  


We can only establish Steadiness of Status by establishing Steadiness of Mare, because the process we changing the world is from internal consciousness towards external world. In the Ego circulation, we accumulate the Steadiness of both Status and Mare. The more complex Steadiness, the more complex activity of consciousness, the more possibility to establish even more complex Steadiness. We become ourselves, develop ourselves through the process.   


1.4.1.心象特质/Feature of Mare


The whole complex structure of psychological phenomenon is the Steadiness of Mare. It's unstable, because it's just a reflection to Steadiness of Status far to be intact. The change in Status is real, overall and simultaneous. It's the things in objective world act on each other directly, and they change according to their inner principles directly, except the phenomenon when Alter as a part of Status. On the contrary, the change in Mare is unreal, partial and linear. 


First, the Steadiness structure of Mare is constituted by concepts and viewpoints. It's an abstract reflection to objective things. The more abstract, the more details of objective things being filtrated. When a change happens in Status, the correspond change in Mare is more or less deviated, because abstract concepts can't reflect the changes of these details filtrated, and such changes are important sometimes. Steadiness of Status is according to science rules. Its change is self-consistent and resultful. While the concept in Mare is made and inevitable to be wrong in some way. There are always conflicts among concepts, because the implied preconditions of these concepts are in conflict. These predictions should based on the details filtrated. Thus by internal thinking it's impossible to predict the true conclusion of objective world. Mare includes mistakes, conflicts and multiple possibilities.   


Then, the change of Steadiness of Status is an overall change of all things arising from their own. While the Steadiness of Mare can only change in the place being noticed, then the subsequent changes come slowly like a dimple. This dimple is too weak to act on all the things in Mare. The change in Status is simultaneous on all places, while the change in Mare is sequential from one point to another. In the process of thinking, we have only one Attention. Where attention is, where change happens in Mare. Therefore, the change of Steadiness of Mare is a circular and linear process between Attention and Mare.   


Final, things in Mare are produced freely, because they are just concepts, not physical matter, thus not restricted by time, space, matter or energy. Consciousness can value past, predict future, produce something by concepts in mind that doesn't exist in real. Mare has infinite ability to create. 


Function of Mare determines the way of thinking of consciousness is metaphysical. The mechanism of things what consciousness thinks is different with what it really is.

1.4.2.心象注意/Mare Attention


The process of Mare relies on Attention, Mare and Attention are inseparable. Mare attention refers to the process of thinking of consciousness: Attention gives information A to Mare, Mare responds information B to Attention, then Attention transfers this information B to Mare again by paying attention on it, Mare responds new information C to Attention again. 


The sphere that Attention gives information to Mare is limited. Relevance of concepts from information itself decides how far can this information reach in Mare. Only those Mare concepts which are relevant to concepts from this information are possible to be reached. The carrier of information is physical line and energy. Strength of energy and complexity of line decide in which degree can those possible Mare concepts be really reached.      


Those Mare concepts being reached, compound the new information into their several Steadiness within their sphere. Addition of new information leads Mare concepts unstable, thus conflicts occur. That conflict means two Mare concepts connected, while such connection deny each other. Mare recognizes the dominant conflict and responds this conflict as a information to Attention. This information may be a judgment: an alternative choice among conflicts; may be a motivation: to construct new thing to solve the conflict by an external act or internal think; may be a question: how to solve the conflict. No matter what kind, they all relate to solve conflicts.  


The impulsion to solve conflicts is the trend of Steadiness of Mare to be more complex. It's chaos in Mare of concepts of internal world. Every concept connects with each other. In this chaos it exists the possibility to develop new things, such possibility can be called Passageway, while the new thing itself hasn't emerged. When a conflict occurs in Mare, it must find a new thing to solve the conflict. When information carrying energy reaches the place of conflicts, if there is coincidentally a potential Passageway to develop a new thing to solve the conflict, then energy can go through this Passageway and go back to Attention, like a circuitry. The concept of this new thing arrives Attention along with energy, Attention thus recognizes this new thing and give it to Mare, this new thing becomes a part of Steadiness of Mare. The production of new things in Mare is a response to existed conflicts, it's a process to enlarge the potential Passageway and make it substantial.          


The formation of potential Passageway is based on that those concepts to develop new thing have been contained by physical container, and these containers themselves have connected together physically. Only in this situation can energy pass through the physical line built by these physical containers. Our thinking exactly relies on the network of brain cells. The activity of consciousness is both mental activity and physical activity of matter and energy.    


The more complex the Steadiness of Mare is, the less possibility to have conflict, the more possibility to solve conflict. Because the more complex the connection of concepts is, the more possibility to have potential Passageway and make it substantial. A substantial Passageway as a new thing develops the complexity of Steadiness of Mare. It's reason why Steadiness of Mare has trend to make itself more complex.


The information exchange between Mare and Attention never stops, for things in Mare can develop infinitely, thus conflicts are infinite too. When Attention does Act and Perception in the meantime, the whole Ego circulation becomes the field of information exchange. 


Thinking can't be stop. We can't put our attention into void. Man, or Ego, is a phenomenon and dominated by its nature. The free will of man is represented as the infinity of Mare, while we don't have free will to refuse thinking or breach the rule of thinking. Thinking is passive in nature.


But it needs to emphasis that so-called infinity of Mare is still finite in nature. Infinite is just an adjective for the enormous finite. The extent of finite Mare depends on the amount of whole potential Passageway. 



Revival refers to the material and specific form of Attention when only towards Mare. Generally it's a word string in mind. Revival has feature of both perception and act.


We can't recognize the specific process of Mare, but only offer information to Mare and receive information responded by Mare. What Attention can get from Mare is only Revival and emotion. Emotion is pure passive perception, unable to act back toward Mare like the way Revival does. Therefore the sole way to recognize Mare is Revival. 


Revival doesn't include the whole information of conflicts of Mare. It just notices main point of conflict by the form of key sentences. It's the best way to find relevant Mare concepts by letting simple yet effective information to Mare. Just like the way we understand the meaning of the words of other people, we need to understand the meaning of words of Revival. This is the way we understand our Mare. We can't recognize the Mare conflict intactly and clearly, also we can't make sure if Mare conflict itself is intact and clear within Mare. We can recognize the process of Mare function by questioning Revival, while such a question itself is also a Revival. At this time, the object of Revival is no longer just the conflict itself, but the preconditions on which Mare is based to cause conflict. Those preconditions are exactly the Personality. Only by recognizing Personality can we intentionally discover the conflicts that Personality contains. 








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